Your DNA Privacy

SNiP Nutrigenomics is committed to your privacy protection.

Your DNA is collected solely for the purposes of generating your DNA report(s) and for the DNA-informed customization of your personalized nutritional supplement(s).

Your DNA is collected via a cheek swab, and sent directly to our HIPAA-compliant, CLIA-certified, and CAP-accredited lab partner, whose security measures meet or exceed industry standards. For added privacy, no name, email address, or other identifying information is attached to your DNA sample. Rather, your swab is connected to you only through a serial bar code and the indication you made as to “male” or “female” during account registration. Cheek swabs are destroyed within 90 days.

Once the lab analyzes your DNA sample, raw data is delivered using advanced encryption measures to our back-end partner, who generates your personalized report(s), and makes them available to you through your password-protected dashboard. Our platform utilizes state-of-the-art technology to ensure your account is likewise safe and secure.

We do not store or sell your DNA data to third parties, including employers, health insurance companies, or other entities.

Manufactured in an NSF Certified, cGMP Compliant and FDA Registered facility