FAQs SNiP Nutrigenomics
SNiP is the most innovative health and lifestyle company on the planet with science-backed, proprietary technology to custom compound DNA-based, personalized supplements.
We offer:
11 DNA reports
SNiP reports cover a variety of key health topics. Each one contains simple, clear information on individual SNPs tested and the SNPs’ relevance for each health topic. Reports also include:
- Lifestyle recommendations such as specific types of exercise.
- Lab test recommendations your healthcare provider may reference for learning more about how your SNPs may be impacting your health and tracking your progress on your personalized supplement.
- Links for associated studies and additional resources.
CODE Complex™
CODE Complex™ is a revolutionary, foundational nutritional supplement based on your DNA. It is custom compounded just for you and delivered to you on a recurring schedule of your choice. Based on your personal nutritional needs, as evidenced by the genetic analysis of your cheek swab, CODE Complex™ contains vitamins, minerals and micronutrients your body requires for optimal functioning.
Science has shown nutrients in the proper form and amount can support your body in maximizing genetic expression. Cognition, mood, energy, methylation and more are supported when the right nutrition for you is provided. We analyze your DNA for actionable genetic variations and custom compound your CODE Complex™ based on the specific SNPs found in your report. The nutrition we provide is selected to help offset the impact of less-than-optimal SNPs, supporting your health, mood and healthspan in myriad ways.
We simplify personalized biohacking.
Genetics and epigenetics are complex concepts-- and even harder to know how to integrate them into tangible wellness tools.
SNiP tests look for ways to offer proactive recommendations for health and wellness.
SNiP does the research so you don’t have to.
While many DNA tests provide interesting information, most of it isn’t actionable.
SNiP goes beyond raw data.
The heavy-hitting SNPs we report on are scientifically validated as nutritionally actionable. This means peer-reviewed research has shown that the right types and amounts of particular nutrients can optimize the expression or functioning of the genes we test for.
So, while some DNA reports can tell you if you are prone to having a unibrow (uh, interesting, we guess?), no vitamin, mineral or micronutrient can change this unfortunate physical trait.
SNiP, on the other hand, not only tells you exactly which nutrition is needed based on your DNA, we custom compound your very own, personalized supplement containing the nutrients you need to support your optimal health. All of this is created for you and delivered to your door monthly, or on a recurring schedule that works for you.
Every SNiP DNA report also includes lifestyle bio hacks— simple tips and tricks for “hacking” your DNA and supporting your healthspan, no matter your genetic profile.
SNiP is a revolutionary, all-in-one solution that simplifies supplementation, saves you money, and ensures your supplement routine is working for you.
Currently, we offer 11 DNA reports:
- Healthy BMI
- Healthy Heart
- Cognitive/Brain Function
- Detoxification
- Energy
- Gut/Microbiome
- Healthy Immune Response
- Healthy Inflammatory Response
- MethylationMethylation
- Mood
- CODE Complex™ (customized nutritional supplement)
Order a DNA test kit through your health provider, employer or directly through us. Once the kit arrives, swab your cheek and return the sample in the pre-paid envelope.
Once your DNA is analyzed, your DNA reports will become available to you electronically.
At that time, you’ll be provided with the ingredients in your CODE Complex™ supplement and can place your order. Your formula is made just for, at the time you order; it will take 7-10 business days to receive.
Because your CODE Complex™ is made just for you, it can’t be made until we know which ingredients your body needs, based on the results of your DNA report.
After your DNA is analyzed and your report generated, you may place your first order for CODE Complex™; you may expect to receive your first bottle within 7-10 days.
Step 1: Order your DNA test kit and reports
Step 2: Once your DNA test kit arrives, follow the included instructions to collect your DNA via cheek swab, and return your sample in the pre-paid envelope.
Step 3: Once your DNA is analyzed, your reports will be generated electronically.
Step 4: Your report(s) contain your personalized “recipe” for your customized supplement, CODE Complex™. Once generated, you can go ahead and order your first month, and can expect to receive your CODE Complex within 7-10 days.
Choose subscribe at checkout and save up to $30 per month on recurring orders. Shipping on CODE Complex™ is always free.
Yes! in fact, you'll save $20 on every order of CODE Complex™ by subscribing.
Not at this time. However, if your CODE Complex™ is requested by your physician it may qualify for payment through an HSA. Check with your physician and HSA for details.
The scientific research upon which SNiP Nutrigenomics bases its genetic assessment began in 1994.
SNiP Nutrigenomics is committed to exceeding industry’s best practices. Our science team stays current with peer-review research informing nutritional genomics. Our most recent review of the science upon which we base our proprietary technology and continue to innovate was conducted in 2022.
Email support@snipnutrition.com
Science 101
Nutrigenomics (or “nutritional genomics”) provides an understanding of how diet can alter how a person’s genes work, which in turn can affect health.
The purpose of nutrigenomics is to provide an enhanced, scientific and rational means to optimize nutrition and absorption of nutrients concerning an individual’s DNA.
Genetic testing through a nutrigenomic lens allows us to understand what works and doesn’t work for individuals given their unique DNA, as well as the biochemical effects on individual capacity for nutrient absorption, delivery, metabolism, and elimination or biological action.
Genetics Basics
Discover “genetics basics” from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Find the definition of a gene here.
Find the definition of a protein here.
Single nucleotide polymorphism, or SNP, is pronounced: “snip." These are common, genetic variants that alter the functions of genes naturally. Hair, eye color, and skin color are all determined by certain SNPs.
SNiP Nutrigenomics tests for actionable SNPs that have functionally significant effects on genetic expression, and as a result, can help your body perform essential functions and impact long-term impact health and wellness. (See the summary of each gene separately in this report).
What are SNPs (Pronounced “Snips”)
Find the definition for allele here.
Find the definition risk allele here.
Find the definition for phenotype here.
Standing for "Reference SNP cluster ID," the rsID number is used by researchers and databases to identify a variant, or specific SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), within a gene. On your SNiP DNA Report(s), rsID numbers are listed in the far left column, under the gene’s name.
A mutation typically refers to a change in observable traits or characteristics and can be seen in a single event or person.
A SNP "polymorphism" is observed in more than 1% of the population. They are the most common type of genetic variation.
“Mutation” sounds worse, but essentially, SNPs and mutations describe the same genetic variation. Both “SNP” and “mutation” refer to a difference in the nucleotides within our DNA.
The genetic expression of SNP-derived physical traits, such as hair or eye color cannot be changed by diet or lifestyle choices. The actionable SNPs we test for, play essential roles in myriad physiological functions from detoxification to mood to the effects of aging on skin.
“However, unlike with hair or eye color, the impact of these SNPs can be mediated by specific nutritional intervention. The right forms and amounts of certain nutrients, in other words, can proactively support genetic vulnerabilities. Thus, the SNPs we test for are considered “actionable,” because action can be taken to counterbalance less-than-optimal genetic blueprints. CODE Complex™ personalized nutrition is an easy way to nutritionally “hack” your genetic blueprint.
Antioxidants are compounds that have a propensity to scavenge free radicals, aiding in the fight against oxidation. Antioxidants are found naturally in many plants, which is one of the reasons eating fruits and vegetables is so important, and why we include them in your CODE Complex™.
The oxidation that occurs in our bodies is similar to the oxidation that we observe on a daily basis, like the rusting of iron. Both oxygen and water corrode iron. Iron is transformed into iron oxides during "rusting, " which weakens the metal because they lack the same strength as iron. Eventually, the entire mass of iron will disintegrate. The process of oxidation in our bodies is comparable. Our lives routinely include oxidation. Reactive oxygen species, often known as "free radicals," are produced by the very act of eating and digestion and attack and harm molecules in our DNA, proteins, lipid membranes, and other tissues. Both exercise and sun exposure boost the production of free radicals. In essence, our bodies are constantly attacked and are, if you will, "rusting" away. It is thought that oxidation's cumulative damage is what causes aging, thus the term, "Free Radical Theory of Aging.”
SNiP Nutrigenomics seeks to exceed leading privacy and security standards and protects your privacy though accreditations such as CAP, CLIA and HIPAA* compliance.
*HIPAA, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, is a federal law that prompted the creation of standards to protect patient health information from disclosure without knowledge or consent.
This means your DNA test results will not be released, shared or sold to any person or third-party without your permission.
No. We do not sell your DNA data or personal information.
If you would like your data and report deleted, please contact support@snipnutrition.com
After your results are successfully analyzed, your DNA swab is destroyed within 90 days.
Many people experience improvements in the way they feel and/or function when taking CODE Complex™ on a regular basis. However, understand that your personalized formula is “working” for you even if you don’t feel any different. Many of the SNPs in the DNA panel identify predispositions in areas that people typically don’t feel, things such as healthy blood pressure, healthy lipid support, healthy free-radical defense, and so on.The presence of these SNPs indicate predispositions where you may benefit from long-term targeted support.
If you are under the supervision of a health care professional for any reason, are taking any prescription medication(s), and/or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult with your health care professional prior to taking CODE Complex™.
Your personalized CODE Complex™ formula is foundational nutrition and the only supplement most people will need. However, if you have known health concerns, or are taking supplements for specific reasons, especially if recommended or prescribed by a healthcare professional, you should share your CODE Complex™ formula with your provider to make sure your nutritional support is appropriate for you. Please note the formulas do not contain every single vitamin or mineral at 100% RDI, so you should check your formula and discuss with your healthcare provider to determine if you should take additional supplements.
Anyone who has an allergy, injury, illness, or other medical condition, or who is pregnant or breastfeeding should always consult with their medical provider prior to taking SNiP products or starting any exercise regimen.
No.The DNA test only looks for variants (SNPs) in your genes.
No. SNPs are part of the normal configuration of these specific genes in your body. You will have these SNPs on your DNA for life. While nutrition can support your health in targeted areas the SNPs themselves are hard-coded and will not change.
Your CODE Complex™ is comprised of large quantities of plant matter, primarily fruit and vegetable components, in addition to USP-grade vitamins and minerals which should not cause adverse reactions in the majority of users. However, your supplement also includes Inulin. Inulin is a type of soluble fiber found in many plants and like all fiber, can affect an individual's GI tract and induce gas and bloating, especially in people who do not have proper fiber consumption. Most people are not only symptom-free within 30 days, they go on to feel better than ever! If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.
Yes. All possible combinations of the formulas are gluten-free.
Yes. Some people are sensitive to some of the ingredients in any supplement or certain ingredients may have prescription drug interactions. We provide you with a complete list of ingredients in your formula. If you have any concerns, check with your medical provider. These formulas were designed for adults. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and medical conditions were not considered in developing these formulas. Pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, diabetics, individuals with hypoglycemia, and people with known medical conditions and/or taking prescription drugs should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to taking any dietary supplements.
Yes, it really is. With the exception of people with the exact same distribution of SNPs, your formulation is different from everyone else’s. In fact, there are almost 400 million possible combinations of ingredients in CODE Complex™.
We store our products in a temperature, humidity, and light-controlled environment to maximize product life. When you open the product, it is designed to be consumed within the month. SNiP recommends the product be consumed within this timeframe for best efficacy and/or flavor. Unopened jars of CODE Complex™ should be kept from excessive heat and light and may be stored for up to twelve months.
Your CODE Complex™ is comprised of large quantities of plant matter, primarily fruit and vegetable components, in addition to USP-grade vitamins and minerals which should not cause adverse reactions in the majority of users. Inulin is a type of soluble fiber found in many plants and like all fiber, can affect an individual's GI tract and induce gas and bloating, especially in people who do not have proper fiber consumption.
If you experience digestive upset, this may be the result of introducing more nutrition in more concentrated form than your system is used to. You may want to consider ramping up slowly by introducing the product at a lower rate, say 1 capsule morning and afternoon for a few days, then 2 capsules morning and afternoon until you have reached the recommended 10 capsules per day.
If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.
This is perfectly normal. The majority of the ingredients found in your formula are natural plant-based ingredients and there may be color variations from lot to lot due to crop fluctuations from harvest to harvest.
CODE Complex™ Capsules: 10 per day
CODE Complex™ Powder: 2 scoops per day
Many people consume CODE Complex™ by taking 5 capsules (or one scoop) during the first half of the day (typically with a meal) and the second 5 (or second scoop) later in the day (again, with a meal).
However, you may feel free to vary this schedule to meet your personal requirements.
The quantities of ingredients included in 10 capsules or 2 scoops are the amounts validated by science to be the most efficacious for addressing your combination of SNPs.
While people may take less than the recommended serving per day (10 capsules or 2 scoops) they will be taking less than the validated quantities that would provide the optimal support for health in those areas where the SNPs are found.
There is no such thing as a single “percentage” of absorption for a complex product. It can be calculated for a single ingredient only, and then it varies from a low of 20-25% to high of 80%-90%. All vitamins, minerals, and components derived from raw foods absorb at different rates. There are minimum absorption rates for each which are specified by USP (United States Pharmacopeia). Additionally, many variables outside the product that affect absorption aren’t impacted by either the product or manufacturer. These include age, gender, overall health, digestive health specifically, and even what time of day it is, what else has been eaten, and when.
With regards to CODE Complex™, we meet or exceed USP standards. Because our product is always made fresh-for-you, it will have the highest potency available. We further stimulate absorption through digestive support by including prebiotic fiber and digestive enzymes in all formulas.
For these reasons we not only support and potentially improve digestion of our product, but all food consumed by that person.
Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, whereas fat-soluble vitamins can be, leading to possible toxic conditions in cases of extreme excess quantities. For this reason, SNiP uses as many water-soluble ingredients as possible and makes sure that all ingredients, including those that are fat-soluble, are supplied in quantities considered GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the FDA in any possible combinations.
The groupings of ingredients added to a formula to support a specific SP are called "blends." An entire blend can be removed from a formula if there is any potential for an allergic reaction or a drug metabolism problem.
To remove a blend, simply send a request to support@snipnutrition.com.
Our Proprietary Base Blend cannot be removed as it comprises too much volume of the overall product.
Incompatibility with one of the base ingredients means that person should not consume this product.
Because your CODE Complex™ formula is customized to your personal genetic profile, your most current Supplement Facts Panel (SFP) will always be included in each box containing your customized CODE Complex™ formula. You can also find it under "My DNA Reports" in your private account portal.
No. CODE Complex™ does not include any artificial colors, flavors or sugars. Other than excipients that are added to stabilize certain ingredients, there are no additives in CODE Complex™.
No. The mixed carotenes and vitamin D are both non-vegetarian.
The FDA requires all food and dietary supplement labels to include an allergen statement for eight major food allergens: milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans. While rare food allergies are possible with any edible product, none of these eight food categories is represented in CODE Complex™.
CODE Complex™ is also gluten-free and non-GMO.
There are no detectable levels of caffeine in any formula.
At SNiP, our DNA testing follows a nutritional genomics approach. We analyze how nutrients and genetics interact and how that interaction impacts the way our body functions.
As we pull and analyze SNPs, we follow nutritional pathways. We’re not just looking at genes that identify our physical traits. We want to find the genes we can take action on, and support based on your genetic code. It’s all about examining the nutritional pathways and understanding what we can support with nutrition and supplementation.
We then offer individualized nutritional supplementation (CODE Complex™), healthy diet and lifestyle recommendations based on your SNP genetics.
At this time, we do not accept raw data, DNA reports or files from other companies. The specific, actionable SNPs we are looking for, and base your customized supplement on, are not all tested for by other companies. In other words, their tests do not include the data we need to be able to customize your CODE Complex™ formula.
Results take approximately 21 days from the date your DNA sample arrives at the lab.
Your customized supplement will be delivered within 7-10 days after ordering.
You have one year to register your kit. If you forgot to register it, and more than one year has passed, contact support@snipnutrition.com to ask about a replacement kit.
Check out our blog at or visit
Cheek swab.
A DNA “sample” is collected by swabbing the inside of your cheeks. (The process is easy and totally painless.) After collection, the DNA from your skin cells is separated by our specialized laboratory, and tests are run to determine which genes, if any, have SNPs.
For specific information on how to swab, follow the instruction card included in your DNA kit.
With a cheek swab (returned to the lab in a pre-paid mailer).
No. The SNPs we analyze in your DNA panel are hardcoded in your genes and will remain so throughout your life. Therefore they will not change. So you may wish to have additional genes tested as some point in the future but you do not need to be retested for these particular SNPs on these genes.
Your CODE Complex™ will continue to support your health and well-being in those areas where you have variants.
All of our genetic tests are performed in a laboratory that is CAP accredited and CLIA certified. These are the highest possible laboratory standards in the United States. The lab runs the test using a cutting-edge DNA microarray technology and utilizes robotic extraction and processing and so it is one of the most accurate tests conducted in terms of accuracy and repeatability.
Laboratory & Manufacturing
The ingredients are not processed through heat. We chose the highest quality and highest standards in processing as we understand the decrease in bioavailability by heat.
The lab that runs your DNA test is CLIA Certified (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), CAP Accredited (College of American Pathologists) and HIPAA compliant (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).
The state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is cGMP-compliant. All raw material and finished products are tested for identity, purity and composition.
Ordering, Shipping & Refunds
Refund Policy
DNA kits, lab fees, data entry, reports and/or other electronically delivered products are non-refundable.
Customized Product Returns
You may request a refund of any amounts charged by contacting customer service at support@snipnutrition.com. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with any SNiP Nutrigenomics products purchased directly from SNiP Nutrigenomics via our website, you may request a refund within 30 days from the date of delivery for a refund or exchange, a restocking fee equal to 30% of the original price of the product will be applied. Refunds and exchanges will be made to the credit card with which the product was purchased. You will need the following to make your request for refund:
- Proof of Purchase
- Unused portion of the product or empty product containers
DNA Report Review
Reschedule requests must be made at least 24 hours before your appointment by emailing support@snipnutrition.com and providing your name, order number, and date/time of your appointment. Please do not use the automated Calendly cancel/reschedule link that is populated in the auto-delivered email. Appointments joined after 10 minutes from the beginning of the appointed time will be considered no-shows and may not be rescheduled or refunded.
Return Policy
Before any product is returned to SNiP Nutrigenomics, the customer must contact customer support to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (“RMA”) number. Any package received without this information on the outside of the box may be refused and may result in a refund not issuing. SNiP Nutrigenomics does not pay for the cost of return shipping.
Subscription Cancellation
Please email support to cancel or modify your Subscription at any time at support@snipnutrition.com, without penalty. You can also modify or cancel your order at any time at www.snipnutrition.com. By selecting the "Subscription" option on the website, you are giving SNiP Nutrigenomics authorization to enroll you in the automatic shipping program. SNiP Nutrigenomics will ship your products directly to you. You are also authorizing SNiP Nutrigenomics to charge your credit card for the products you have ordered on a monthly basis (or other recurring schedule option). You may cancel at any time without obligation and without penalty by emailing support@snipnutrition.com or canceling the order on the snipnutrition.com portal. All Subscription cancellations must be performed or delivered to SNiP Nutrigenomics within three (3) business days of the next shipment to guarantee cancellation of that shipment.
Return your DNA swab in the pre-paid envelope provided in your kit.
No. It is important that you return your cheek-swab in the envelope provided to you with your DNA kit. The envelope contains a barcode that protects your privacy while still ensuring that your DNA sample can be analyzed and connected to your report (and customized supplement).
New York is unavailable at this time pursuant to current state law.
We ship DNA test kits and customized supplements to the U.S. and and Canada. If you live in any of the countries listed below, your customized supplement must be formulated through DNA data entry (requires results from companies such as 23andMe or Ancestry.com).
- UK
- Australia
- Germany
- Denmark
- Finland
- Netherlands
- Sweden
- Ireland
If you have any questions, or live in a country not listed here and are interested in purchasing DNA-precision nutrition from SNiP, please message us at support@snipnutrition.com
Your privacy is our priority. In fact, while your sample is being assessed, it is only identified by a unique and random barcoded number with no human identifiers, so it would be impossible for anyone to identify the information of any single individual. But even then, your information is held in the strictest confidence, in a program that is HIPAA-compliant (the federal regulations governing the confidentiality of all medical information) and provided only to you (or your physician, with your permission). The only way anyone else would get your genetic information from your report(s), is if you share the results directly..
Once your DNA test results are confirmed, your sample is destroyed within 90 days. Your genetic information is kept in electronic storage with the highest levels of encryption and is identified only by the random bar code number that only SNiP can associate with your identity and used only for the purposes of manufacturing and delivering your products to you.
We use Next Generation Sequencing(NGS). Our testing is performed in a CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act) certified and CAP (College of American Pathologists) accredited laboratory using highest possible industry standards. We test using leading-edge DNA microarray technology and robotic extraction and processing.
We use leading-edge biotechnology to meet or exceed the highest possible industry standards for accuracy. The clinical-grade testing is performed in a CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act) certified and CAP (College of American Pathologists) accredited laboratory using cutting-edge DNA microarray technology and robotic extraction and processing. We believe our test to be one of the most reliable and accurate in the world.